Has anyone added the patient cell phone to their Referral Form report? We are on CPS11 and have CPS12 in a test environment. Both use the same reforder.rpt (date stamped 12/3 12) and the cell phone is not included on the report. I was hoping CPS12 would have updated this but found that not to be the case.
We paid to have this added.
This seems to be GE's only option. Long shot question... would you be willing to share your form?
I edited our reforder.rpt so it would have the 1st and 2nd phone numbers as long as the type was one of the types we set up in administration (rather than free-text). On the crystal report I made a formula for {@PatientPhone1Type} and {@PatientPhone2Type} and replaced the labels "Home:" and "Work:" with the formulas. Here's the formula I used if you want it (just replace the "1" with "2" for the 2nd phone type).
StringVar phone1Type := '';
IF isnull({@PatientPhone1}) THEN
phone1Type := ''
ELSE IF isnull({vPatientProfile.phone1type}) THEN
phone1Type := 'Phone'
ELSE IF not(UpperCase({vPatientProfile.phone1type}) in ('HOME,OFFICE,WORK,MOBILE,CELL,FAX')) THEN
phone1Type := 'Other Phone'
phone1Type := ProperCase({vPatientProfile.phone1type});
phone1Type + ': ';
Save the report under a different name so the next upgrade won't overwrite the file (I just called mine reforder_2) and you can set it as the default for all referral orders if you go to Administration>Codes>Charts>Order Defaults>Referrals.
Thank you. I will give this a try.