I have a provider who has asked if it would be possible for the text of the ROS, if a complains is checked that the text in the document would be bold, but only for a complains. This is the current code in place and I would like some advice if there is a way to accomplish this.
{fn ListBoxResult(cstr,dstr,ostr) {
local fullStr = ""
if (size(cstr) > 0) then
fullStr = "Complains of " + cstr + ". "
if (size(dstr) > 0) then
fullStr = fullstr + "Denies " + dstr + ". "
if (size(ostr) > 0) then
fullStr = fullstr + "
Additional Comments: " + ostr + " "
return fullStr
}{fn ListBoxTranslation(label,cstr,dstr,ostr) {
local fullStr = ListBoxResult(cstr,dstr,ostr)
return cfmt(fullStr, "", label + ": ", "B", "
Thanks for any assistance you can give.
I turn mine to uppercase:
{fn ListBoxResultA(hcstr,hdstr,cstr,dstr,ostr) {
local fullStr = ""
if (size(hcstr) > 0) or (size(hdstr) > 0) then
fullStr = hret + " See HPI for further details " + hret
if (size(cstr) > 0) then
fullStr = hret + " COMPLAINS OF " + toupper(cstr) + ". " + hret
if (size(dstr) > 0) and (size(fullStr) > 0) then
fullStr = fullstr + " Denies " + dstr + ". " + hret
else if (size(dstr) > 0) and (size(fullStr) = 0) then
fullStr = hret + " Denies " + dstr + ". " + hret
endif endif
if (size(ostr) > 0) and (size(fullStr) > 0) then
fullStr = fullstr + " " + toupper(ostr) + ". " + hret
else if (size(ostr) > 0) and (size(fullStr) = 0) then
fullStr = hret + " " + toupper(ostr) + ". " + hret
endif endif
return fullStr
}{fn ListBoxTranslationA(label,hcstr,hdstr,cstr,dstr,ostr) {
local fullStr = ListBoxResultA(hcstr,hdstr,cstr,dstr,ostr)
return cfmt(fullStr, ",1", label + ": ", "B,1", "")
Try, at your complains piece:
if (size(cstr) > 0) then
fullStr = “Complains of ” + cfmt(cstr, "B")+ “. ”
Thanks! Works like a charm!