We have recently noticed that a large number of our patients have a person listed on their contact in EMR. We are not sure when this happened and/or how it happened. I have opened a ticket with GE to try and find a way to identify all of the patients that have this person listed on their contact list. I still haven't had any response. The only way to find the patients is when a user accidentally discovers it. I have tried running an Inquiry and there isn't anything that works.
Does anyone know of a way to find all patients with this person listed in their contact?
Are you saying that multiple patients have the same person listed as their contact? You running SQL or oracle?
We are in the same situation and are on Oracle. We interface demographics in and GE said there is no way to prevent the duplicates when we last asked. Let me know if you get any new/different info. I have a Crystal report that identifies patients with over 100 contacts. I attached but I can email also. I also have a script GE gave me a while back to try and clean up their list one pt at a time if you have a DBA that could use - or work with GE on it. I thought at one time someone said having so many could cause performance issues opening the chart but we never got around to most of the clean up. Thanks. Jen
Yes exactly. We are on EMR 9.8.11 Oracle
Jennifer, Can you email me the report. Thanks
I just took a look, and see that 2000 of my patients have 100+ contacts. I am also on EMR with Oracle, and a feed from our scheduling/registration system into Logician.
Have to figure there is a "hit" to performance for this. Does anyone know for sure?
How big of a script is that (jryan) to address? Can it be posted here for others to look at?
Joe, I agree on the performance issue. I am getting a lot of reports of EMR slowness and wonder if this could be contributing to that. I ran the report and have a couple patients with over 1000 contacts listed. Not good. I would like to know what causes this. This is very frustrating.
We noticed this once (probably has happened many times) for one particular contact and it was listed in 40,000 records. Reported it to GE and they told us they had never heard of it before and that we were unique then closed the ticket. The name is forever burned into my brain. Probably should have asked on here, looking back on it.
We have no fix for it. "Luckily", due to our environment (75 independent practices, 1 database instance, every practice has their own PM) we could never rely on the contacts anyway so ignoring it was a viable option. Makes reporting annoying though...
I also know this particular "contact" name quite well. I opened a ticket with GE 2 months ago and I still have never heard anything. Quite odd that this one name in particular keeps popping up in random charts. I can't make any correlation to a specific clinic, doctor or anything else. I also don't have any kind of a report to identify patients with her name. We are removing as we come across them.
The other report that Jennifer provided for a separate issue of contact lists with 100's of the same name listed in the contact list has been helpful and scary too!
We are having this problem. Hundreds of patients having the same contact listed in error. Assuming that you heard back from GE, just wondered what their response was and if they offered a "fix". Also, I am going to open a ticket, but thought that it might be helpful to have another user's SPR # to reference. Would you mind letting me know what your SPR # was for this issue.
Thank you in advance for your help!
The SPR I had for this case was 1-854253964. I did hear back from GE and Tom Bell was able to run a query on the database against the relpers table (Contacts) and find that person's name and clear it from all of the charts. There were 44,000 + charts with this person listed as a contact. No answer as to how it happened tho.
Good luck