Does anyone have a crystal report that lists patients by a certain ICD-10 code & displays a certain OBS value? The report I have seems to take so long to run & sometimes does even get to finish running & pull it's data. I am thinking that my report/link setup is causing the issue. I have no problems when running report pulling 1 measure, but when it comes to pulling multiple measures such as ICD & OBS it becomes an issue especially with ICD-10 codes. Didn't have this issue with ICD-9. ?????
Wondering if anyone has a report that's similar that they are willing to share. Please send to [email protected]. Thank you! Appreciate your help!
Suggest you:
1) Write report to find patients with the ICD-10. Yes, it is more complex since the Problem table only hold ICD-9 and you must do a 2nd lookup to find the ICD-10.
2) Use a SubReport to display the desired OBS code data. A SubReport will only run for the patients that meet the first condition.
Does that make sense?