Sorry more clarification, Do you have anything scanned under the paperclip in the PM module under Patient Registration?
Ok just judging by the compression ratio I would see if you have any images stored under the paperclip in the registration module in PM under patient registration. I don't have the table name in front of me but if you have data there and you have Kryptiq now Surescripts DM you can export those into the DM database and store it as a flat file on the filesystem. This can save lots of room in the CPS database if you do.
Yes, cps registration attachment.
I has a tool back when it was pm 2004
But lost it a long time ago.
How can i export them?
Ok do this do a
FROM PatientProfileAttachment;
that will tell you how many rows you have but won't tell you if they have already been exported since the rows stay but most of the space is removed. Then in SMSS object export find the table PatientProfileAttachment right click on it and click properties then click on storage and you can see how much space you are taking up. If its a lot you have two options or a combination on both.
1) Use a old GE tool to export the images to the windows filesystem in folders for each patient.
2) Use the krypiq now surescripts tool that comes with surescripts dm and export them into there filesystem and database.
Both options do what you need to do and gets the images in the filesystem instead of in the database. Then they are much easier to deal with backing up. You'll want to switch to using surescripts dm or another dm tool for scanning insurance cards though to keep your database from growing.
If this isn't your problem you'll just have to check your audit settings like another poster already said and accept the bigger db but i suspect this may be part of it as I get a much better compression ratio than you on my backup. My db is only 70GB smaller but my backup is half yours.
i have about 96GB of images.
I will try the Document management on my test environment.
do you have the GE old tool to export the images?
Does anyone happens to have the GE tool to export images out of PM or CPS?
Thank you.
I might but I would prefer you ask GE for a copy. It was a little finicky at the time and if they have updated it I don't want to be giving you an 7 to 8 year old version. But yes with 96GB exporting those and switching to Surescripts DM will help you on the the DB front for a least a little while.
Don't worry about it, i wont be using it on a production environment anyway..
i have 4 copy of my production database as test on a completely isolated environment.
If you feels like it, you can email it to me at
[email protected]
Sorry I really can't share it if I do still have a copy of it. Please ask GE for it. If you have any issues getting it please let me know and I'll see if I can get you some help as a CHUG Board Member.
Has anyone tried methods to completely delete old records rather than archiving them or moving them to the filesystem? If a patient hasn't been to our clinic for over 10 years, no use keeping anything; not even the chart itself. As for the paperclip images, you should be able to run a query that deletes all records in that table that are over a certain age. Has anyone tried this?
Steve Peterson
Circle of Life Women's Center
I think there should be an option to export to a second archive only database and the data still be easily accessible with no difference from the clinical side. They just open the chart and don't have to worry if which DB its coming from. Storage is cheap these days.
This is an important point and I want to repeat "Shrinking should not be a part of a routine maintenance task against a database."
Database growth is a natural occurrence of use and is not a bad thing; however, as you are aware, you then have to manage it. It sounds like you are running into some space issues. If the data removal options discussed here aren't available for you, you will have to add additional storage to the system.
There is a way as mentioned to add another database file to a different drive--similar to the data and log files being on different drives so you don't have to move the current database file; however, this option will take an experienced hand.
Hi all,
This is a very old post but we are an IT vendor helping a former customer of Centricity export their images into their new EHR. We have attempted to export the image from this table a few different ways but it seems like a special tool is required. I saw in this post a mention of a tool that Centricity provides, and to ask GE. Now that Centricity is owned by Athena, has anyone had success in getting a copy of this tool?
I don't have a copy of it anymore but I think I might know someone who wrote something like it.