We recently discovered the deceased report we have been using since 2009 is only pulling patients who have been seen since the implementation of the GE system. Any patients that were part of the data conversion but never seen aren’t making the cut even though their status has been changed to deceased. We believe this is because our MS Query pulls from the billing side of our EMR. We are able to run a report in GE, however, it is 2700 pages long and isn’t sortable while in GE.
The IT team exported this report (exported into 3 spreadsheets because it was so large) and then entered some formulas and did a bunch of cutting and pasting. The list has been filtered for 2014.
We were wondering if anyone has had luck with a date filter that could be added to the Patient List report that would allow us to parse this data into usable chunks.
Bruce Forshay
Where did you get this Patient List report? I don't see anything like that in the 9.8 EMR product. Is it a Crystal Report? What date are you wanting to filter on?
It was a Crystal report that’s built into GE. I’m not sure which one as the person who ran is will be back next week.
We have used the Excel > Pull From Other Sources method when we need to only run 1 single year to reconcile last year records (imaging and charts). This only pulls from the billing side. For this question we used the GE Report >Patients > Patient List > with Selected Status of Deceased, which captured 2700 pages as there is no date filter. The third approach is to use Chart Reports > Find "Patients" > WHere Status is Deceased, but when we try to add another modifier, we can't pull up last year, or a date range. The options appear to limited to Date of Last <Observation>, Date of Last Observation Entry, or Date of Last Office Visit.
Ok, nothing like that in the EMR. Good luck.