We are currently on 12.0.13 and plan to upgrade to 12.3 by the end of the year. In the meantime we plan to implement a form for designated sex/gender ID/sexual orientation and preferred pronouns.
I have made a simple VFE form that can capture this information with the obs terms of: PATIENT.SEX, GENDER IDEN, SEXUAL ORIEN, and PRONOUN.
My question is; has anyone implemented a gender ID protocol and then upgraded to 12.3? If so, have you run into any problems with any changes or new obs terms from 12.3? I assume that it would be simple enough to just update the obs terms and do not anticipate any issues, but I wanted to be sure.
Also does the gender id and sexual orientation that is gathered in registration transfer over to any other parts of the chart as part of the 12.3 upgrade? Does this information show up on the patients summary or patient profile?
Thank you.
Gender Identiy and sexual orientation are not patient attributes on 12.3. We are about to upgrade to V20 and they are then.
Nothing in registration for pronouns though. Thinking of using title for that? What have you figured out?
Problem with obsterms is it doesn't let the front desk people who are working on the registration side know what to use.
We are on V20 and there was no significant change or option for the pronoun. We had to continue to use a form that would allow the information to be captured and show the gender identity and pronouns but unfortunately it is a document outside of registration.
Our staff still updates the gender ID and sexual orientation in registration but pronouns we had to add to a form.
Alternative option is writing pronoun in patient notes in registration and have it show in the banner.