We are having a problem with individual users setting their preference for the schedule on their desktop. If they only want to see certain resources, and change it to include only those, it changes the schedule view globally for that schedule template, on the PM side and the chart side. The change is being made on the user's desktop under options, preferences. Any suggestions?
We are on CPS
This is just a training issue / permissions issue.
They need to select the schedule options without making a selection from the dropdown.
I would also remove 99% of peoples access to change saved schedules.
Edit: I don't think preferences can hold a schedule without selecting a saved schedule.
Under Administration > Permissions by group or by user (depending on how your clinic is set up) Remove acces to Saved Schedules and Schedule Templates. We have it to where only about 5 of us in IT have access to saved schedules and schedule templates. This keeps users from being able to change globally.
Why not just have them develop their own schedule view with a unique name to them and then they can choose the resources they want to see. We have a multispecialty group and various staff that need to see different resources in the schedule that they have access to. If they build their own view then they can modify that as the need arises and not tamper with the main views that others are used to using.
A nice idea, but it doesn't account for the security implications. I realize it wouldn't be a show-stopper, but a user accidentally or maliciously changing many of the schedule templates at once could have a significant impact on production.
Only trained and trusted people should be permitted to change any group or global settings.
Understand the security implications. In that case, if the employee needs a different schedule view why not submit that request to IT or Administration and let them build the schedule for the employee and then they can choose that as their preference.?
I don't think I was very clear on my question. We have 16 medical sites with 47 billable providers. One site may have 5 billable providers that have a schedule template for that LOC as well as a lab, nurse, and radiology schedule. That would be 8 schedule templates for that 1 location. If I am doing the nurse visits for that day, I may only want to view the nurse schedule template on my desktop, etc. for that location. The only way we currently can do that, is to minimize the columns for the other resources we don't want to see for that location. Thanks for all the feed back so far.