AnMed Health Family Medicine - Residency Program
We are using the CCC forms in Centricity Emr 9.8 spk7. One of the doctors asked me
if I could edit the Diab Exam Form and add the pedal pulses. The pulses are currently
located on the Msk-Ext-Neuro form which can be accessed from the Diab Ex Form but
this is not a user friendly w/flow. We need to be able to document all three of the foot exam
requirements for 2015. Has anyone built a form similar to the CCC form or one that
is comparible? Thanks
[email protected]
If you will not find an existing CCC/VFE form and will build the new form using new HTML form, I can assist you with development. I will allocate up to 3 FREE hours if you are willing to use $mdObject - open source component.
You may notify me by email ([email protected] or call me direct: 503-348-2346)