I have a few providers who encounter this pop-up, "The selected code is not in the system. Please ensure you have installed the latest Knowledgebase" when searching for a specific diagnosis. For example, Cat Bite and Domestic Violence.
I have been checking for Domestic Violence after every KB update since January 2017 and it still is not in the system. I have posted this question in the ICD-10 Community but haven't received a response. Anyone else encounter this from time to time? If so, were the missing diagnosis' entered after your KB update? Anyone have an open SR I can add to?
I have encountered this type of issue in CPS as well, and to fix this I did the following:
After clinic hours:
- Go to this folder on your Application server:
C:\Program Files\Centricity Practice Solution\jboss\server\default\Solr (OK to delete this before you stop the Jboss service)
- Delete the centricitypsFS, centricitypsPM, centricitypsQS folders.
- Stop Jboss service. Wait 3 minutes for service to clear memory.
- Start Jboss service. Give time to fire up, logon, search for the code in Problem search.
This resolved my issues, hopefully it will help with your situation.
Cat bite is no longer a specific enough code for billing.
They can choose: W55.01 and drill down from there.
Same for Domestic Violence
They can choose T74.11 , then drill down from there.