I would like to make a dropdown in VFE that will pull the names of all Centricity users. Not sure if it is a function or?
Thanks, Jude
you will need to create a function that returns a comma delimited string of the usernames using the MEL function GET_USER_LIST(). The dropdown list will reference this function. See examples of GET_USER_LIST() below:
You probably want to use something similar to the second example. You can only get users from a specific location, so if you need all users at all locations in the list, then you will need to use a GET_USER_LIST() command for each location and then concatenate your lists together.
If you want the list to display the first and last name of the user, you will need to use the delimited option (example 1) and then parse out the appropriate parameters and create your comma delimited text string of users manually (more work, but looks nicer to end user). Hope that makes sense.
Example 1
hwinston^Winston MD, Harry S.^503-233-2233^Southside Clinic^Internal Medicine^Physician^Family Practice^Physician, Restricted Report^12345^hwinston^DE 9865320^ML3587241^hwinston^2000^6789^08/05/2001^01/01/2010
Example 2
Adding on to the above suggestion, seriously consider applying a filter to the list, such as role, job title, or location of care - otherwise the list can become quite long. If you are going to use it in code only, then that probably would be OK (though potentially inefficient depending on purpose), but for user interface interaction, best to limit options via 'filters' to make it more user friendly.
Thank you. I am getting username is there anyway I can pull User Real Name: First and Last name?
Here's a form with a function to create a list of user names and reformat them to First Last. You should be able to right-click on the link and select "Save link as" to save the .dlg file to open in VFE.