How is everyone handling this?
Measure 2: The EP, eligible hospital, or CAH has enabled and implemented the functionality for drug-drug and drug allergy interaction checks for the entire EHR reporting period.
In setup
Chart-Drug Interaction we are using default settings. My understanding is somewhere in the tables this is set by GE. Where is this?
To prove that we have the drug to drug and drug to allergy setting turned on I take screen shots that demonstrate the interactions. I keep these with all of my MU data. In the MU attestation it is a yes/no question.
We do the same as above and have been audited before and passed every time with that documentation.
You can adjust your settings in Admin>Chart>Drug interaction Override. I also take a screen shot every year however, knock on wood, we have not experienced an audit so far. I have spoken with multiple people that have and they have stated that the screen shot has worked for them