We are on CPS 12.2.2 with a citrix environment. Our providers are using laptops for patient care in rooms, and then connecting to a dock for dual screens in the office.
Many times when plugging into a dock, the Centricity screen will rapidly switch between screen 1 and 2 over and over. Other times, Centricity will assume both screens are 1 single screen, and stretch across both. We also sometimes find the mouse is not displaying correctly after a switch, and where you see the cursor on screen is actually 3-6 inches off of where centricity thinks it is.
Has anyone seen this issue? is it a Citrix problem, or does CPS on a fat client do the same thing?
Thank you,
Daniel Carpenter
That happens to me. I'm using version 4.9 of the Citrix Receiver. I'm not sure about the fat client. I can install that and test it out. My fix right now is to logout, if I can, and then use the Connection Center to log off of whatever server I'm connected to, and then log back into Centricity and everything is fine.