We are currently on SP1 and have hesitated moving forward as we just finished our Go-Live. We are experiencing "Grey Box" issues and Access Violation errors and I am hoping SP3 will help. Any feedback of cons of SP3?
All pros for 9.5.3 Upgrade especially the speed of MedHX
We've been on sp3 for several months as an early adopter. Sp3 was a Godsend. We had a lot of performance issues and crashes with sp2. It has all but gone away with sp3.
cmangus said:
We've been on sp3 for several months as an early adopter. Sp3 was a Godsend. We had a lot of performance issues and crashes with sp2. It has all but gone away with sp3.
We are about to install SP3 and we were wondering if you had any troubles/issues with the phone number format?
No, we've had no problems with phone numbers.
Has anyone installed on teh server and pushed to local installs? We are having issues pushing the service pack to our local installs. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
lisaturchi said:
Has anyone installed on teh server and pushed to local installs? We are having issues pushing the service pack to our local installs. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you're pushing to local installs on Windows 7 workstations, we've found that the UAC prevents the update from running if your using "Jobs.txt" to initiate the update. Short of diabling the UAC on each workstation, we've written a basic "SP3.bat" file to initiate the updater and placed the command line in the Jobs.txt that calls the batch file and starts the update. You still need to allow the UAC access to the system for modification, but it does initiate the update. you might try something like this to semi-automate the update.