Hi - has anyone installed the 6B Patch at their site? If so, can you share your experience -- how was the installation? Did it fix the add form component/signed clinical lists that were not committed to the DB? Did it cause more issues?
I only installed in TEST. The install was a pain - I think they sent out additional instructions later. It installs just like an SP.
I hear Patch 7 will be coming out soon and I will probably wait to put that through to Production.
We have already installed in on our test server and will be installing it this weekend in to live. The fix for add form component did not seem to do anything as we are still having issues in test.
Anyone installed this in production yet? Thanks Margaret
Hi Daniel - how did the install go for you? Did it fix the add form component in your production environment?
We are currently trying to figure out if 6B will break Dragon dictation.
Various users in our system have different versions.
Dragon Version 10 within EMR Magic works ok in the Test system
One users Dragon Medical version 12.+ works ok.
But another user has had it fail with his version of Dragon, after only 60-70 words the dictation shuts down if you keep talking.
Would be interested in others experiences about Dragon given that 6B has "the potential" to break this.
I just need to know if after 6b is installed does it fix the clinical list changes/observations not showing up, which is a major patient safety issue for us. I have little confidence in all the patches for the patches. They are also talking about SP 12 almost in GA. Which one should be applied in what order?
I also heard SP 12 was coming and is supposed to fix our headaches with Immunization Management and the text translation. Has anyone successfully run the reports, then the script to see if it fixed anything?