We have identified two issues with Eprescribing in EMR v9.12 and GE has described them as the following:
a) If the dispensed medication from the refill request doesn’t match to an active med for the patient, for instance it’s generic as opposed to brand and has a different DDID, it will create a new med. The old medication will remain as active in the med list.
b) If the dispensed medication from the refill request matches to an active med with the same DDID, but the request has different instruction or comment, it will create a new med. The old medication will be de-activated.
Is anyone else having this issue? If so, please let me know.
Thank you,
Rowan Medicine
We are on CPS 12.3 and have the same issues. It is very frustrating for the physicans and staff. It takes three times as long to fill a medication.
Yep same here. Major pain especially when the form is not refreshing properly. GE is aware of the issue and is suppose to be looking into the matter.
Does anyone know if this is fixed with CPS 12.3.1 (Service Pack 1)?
Not fixed in 12.3 SP1.