Good Morning,
Is there a way to edit the Visit Summary especially to remove ancient office visits from the current visit summary?
Any information will be very helpful.
Thanks so much,
Ah...yes. I fought that battle. I added an "bad appointment status" month-end report to give to our front desk staff to go correct the bad data to help that problem for the future. The report looks for any status that doesn't equate to canceled or completed...but it's another thing to go back 10 years and fix all of the junk data. We have an appointment reminder service that leaves behind many, many status values that are junk.
I wrote this function to check the status against a list of "Bad Status" values and to ensure the date is in the future before it lists the appointment in the Scheduled Appointments section on the visit summary.
Scheduled Appointments:
{fn fnAN() {
local apptOut = ""
local statStr = "Scheduled|Confirmed|Left Message|Busy Number|Wrong Number|Disconnected|No Answer|Email-Bad Address-CP|Email-Blocked by Patient-CP|Email-Not Sent-CP|Email-Sent(Appt Confirmed)-CP|Email-Sent(Cancel Requested)-CP|mail-Sent(Reschedule Requested)-CP|Email-Sent-CP|SMS-Cancel-CP|SMS-Confirmed-CP|SMS-Not Sent-CP|SMS-Sent:No Response-CP|SMS-View Report-CP|Answered by Machine-CP|Answered by Person-CP|Busy-CP|Disconnected-CP|No Answer-CP|Select a Reason . . ."
statStr = getfield(statStr,"|","")
for a = 1, a <= size(statStr), a = a + 1
local apptNxt = ""
apptNxt = APPTS_BY_STATUS(statStr[a],"FULL")
apptNxt = replacestr(apptNxt,"\n","")
apptNxt = getfield(apptNxt,HRET,"")
for x = 1, x <= size(apptNxt), x = x + 1
local tAppt
tAppt = ""
tAppt = fnApptDRet(apptNxt[x])
apptOut = apptOut + (if apptOut "" AND tAppt "" then HRET else "" endif) +
(if tAppt "" then " - " + tAppt else "" endif)
apptOut = if apptOut == "" then "" else apptOut endif
return apptOut}}
{fn fnApptDRet(lineIn){
local thisDate
thisDate = ""
thisDate = if match(lineIn,"/") > 0 then sub(lineIn,1,10) else "" endif
local isFuture
isFuture = ""
isFuture = if thisDate "" then DurationDays(str(._TodaysDate),thisDate) else -99 endif
local futAppt
futAppt = ""
futAppt = if isFuture >= 0 then lineIn else "" endif
return futAppt}}