I was wondering if anyone who is using EPCS can help me out with an error/fail that providers keep getting. The following is what we have received " 700 prescriberLast different: prescriberFirst different:..... prescriberAddress1 different: ..... prescriberCity different: .... prescriberZip different: .... earliestFill different: 2020-10-09.
I opened a support ticket and I was told I would have to contact the pharmacy and make sure they had current information for our office. I actually had called the pharmacy prior to opening the ticket to confirm this information and everything matched, I also noticed its several different pharmacies. Any suggestions on how I can fix this?
Was the provider responding to a renewal from a pharmacy? or was the provider doing a manual refill/new rx?
I believe the provider was doing a manual refill.
Take a look at what I found on Athena website ..
Not sure if i am understanding the part of correct address in providers DEA application.
The Address shown at SSAC and eSM console match - but is different from provider's address shown in athenaPractice or provider's LOC in athenaFlow.
Fixed in athenaPractice/athenaFlow 19.0
Responses to refill requests no longer fail with a "700 prescriberxxxdifferent" error if the prescriber is unchanged but there are slight differences in demographic information. Previously, the error occurred because the application reads prescriber demographic information from the database, while Surescripts reads prescriber demographic information from the original refill request.
For previous versions:
Correct the address in the provider's DEA entry in the application.
In eSM Console, Import from EMR.
In eSM Console, click Update Prescribers button.
That will send the address correction to Surescripts. Prescriber should be able to e-prescribe without error now.
This problem is mainly due to differences in capitalization. If the provider is Jane Doe in your system, but is JANE DOE at the pharmacy, the refill will be denied at SureScripts.
Our current workflow is to deny the refill, but then immediately issue a new Rx with the refill number reduced by 1.
If you are on a version prior to v19 then the workflow on refills to prevent this from happening is to deny the refill request from the pharmacy and then build new. This is a huge pain and a constant complaint from our nurses who build for our providers but this is the only work around until we upgrade. The above is correct- if the pharmacy sends over the refill with a capital letter or a different abbreviation from what you have in your system, then it will show a mismatch and fail. We made sure our in house pharmacy matched our eSM but we deal with all the other failures.
As Koehlerb said above, it is because the information is not matching up between the pharmacy and CPS. This error occurs for us so often that I tell users to ALWAYS deny Erx renewal requests for controlled substances and start a new prescription in the same encounter. We definitely don't have time to call pharmacies to compare information.
Thank you all so much for this information, we will definitely have to change the workflow in the office for EPCS.
This was a big problem for us when we were on version 12.2.2 of CPS. I was given guidance by a support person with athenahealth to make sure that the provider addresses in Centricity administration were IDENTICAL in two places in Centricity user setup: 1) in their "Basic Info" tab ; and 2) in their DEA # setup. I made those two things completely identical, even stripping out the automatically inserted hyphen before the plus four of the zip code where you "Manage" their the DEA #. We didn't get these 700 errors about provider addresses anymore. Providers were able to respond to the pharmacy requests without denying first. I had been told more than once that the problem was a mismatch between the Centricity address and pharmacy system address, but it was making the change I described in Centricity that finally rid us of this problem. We were very happy to be rid of that frustration. Good luck!
P.S. Be sure there are no leading or trailing spaces anywhere in the address fields! Those are a problem!