Is anyone aware of a way to export every document from the EMR to PDF?
We are switching to Epic, and this has been suggested as a data conversion method. The only problem is I haven't a clue how to go about it.
Are you sure that is what was suggested? I have worked on many types of conversions, but moving all data to pdf was NEVER an approach taken. I have heard of scenarios were certain documents were converted into individual pdf files (per patient encounter), and then those documents put into a repository - however this was not for data to become part of the clinical data (as in BP, height, LDL, etc...).
Yes, I am quite certain.
Our director of medical records is adamant that document signature information be transferred to the new EMR.
If this is really the way you want to do this then, you can write a Crystal report to look at the DOCDATA, and then export it to PDF.
I would also suggest using something like the following in the Data section of your Crystal report to help with formatting.
if Left ({DOCDATA.DATA}, 1) <> '{'
then '{\rtf1\ansi\ftnbj{\fonttbl{\f0 \fswiss Arial;}}{\colortbl ;\red255\green255\blue255 ;\red0\green0\blue255 ;\red0\green128\blue0 ;} {\stylesheet{\f0\fs20\cf0\cb1 Normal;}{\cs1\additive\cf0\cb1 Default Paragraph Font;}}\margl1440\margr1440\margt540\margb1440\headery540\footery720\formshade\sectd\marglsxn1440\margrsxn1440\margtsxn540\margbsxn1440\headery540\footery720\sbkpage\pgncont\plain\plain\fs20\pard\plain\fs20\cf0\sscharaux1\par\b0 '
I just saw the comment about the document signature information, if you need to include this, then you'll have to include a couple more tables in your Crystal report, because signatures are not captured as part of the Chart Note text, but are actually attached to the Document.
You'll want to join to the DOCUMENT Table, and for all Documents that are Final Signed you'll want to join to the USR table from the PUBUSER in the DOCUMENT table to the PVID in the USR table.