Based on OBS terms we already have available, I've located one we don't use but would like to, but I can't seem to find it within our existing forms. Is there a way to find the corresponding text box related to an obs term?
In this case it is PSYCH COMM (psychiatric exam, comments), but this isn't listed with in our existing exam forms, nor can I specifically find a psychiatric exam form to add to our documents.
There is a Chart Report>MediaLogic>Audit Reports>OBS terms in use report you could use. I've never tried it.
You can build a query or crystal report to list the patientID, value and date of that obs term in your database. When the report finds it has been used, go find the document where it was used and see if the document type leads you to an encounter template or see if the text looks familiar to a form. If the query or report don't find an obs term is being used, it might still be out there connected to a form somewhere but no one is using it.
Confusing question?
You have found an OBS Code "PSYCH COMM" that is not in use, and you are trying to find it on a form. If it was on a form, then I would expect to learn that there is data related to the code.
Are you trying to add the new code to an existing form? Are you trying to create a new form that would prompt, and allow entry into, that OBS Code?
Sorry- I will clarify...
I expect that it is already on an existing form, but either a form we don't generally use, or an area on an exam form that we haven't used. We've run a quick check and there isn't any data in that field in the last few years at least.
Because it is a comments box, we'd like to use it to comment on cognitive assessments. Right now providers are commenting within the HPI or Assessments, but we would like have something uniform so we can run the data- has the assessment been done/reviewed? Because we noticed this is unused, we'd rather use what we have on hand, rather than create a new form or new obs term. If possible we'd use the form it's already on, rather than adding it to an existing form.
I'm just trying to go backwards to find it. I've looked where I expect it would be, but cannot find it and hoped there would be a guide or something that maps obs terms with the basic (not custom) GE CPS forms.
OK, now this goes back to old DOS programming. Depending on your PC version, this should work, although you may need to adjust for the location of the find command.
1) In Windows, goto Start and then type cmd to get a DOS window
2) Manually CD to the main folder where your VFE programs are stored
2a) Make sure you goto the root of where they are stored; you may be using folders to organize the many forms
3) Use this command -->
c:\windows\system32\findstr /n /i /s "BP SYSTOLIC" *.txt >BP-SYS.log
Note that in my case, the program findstr is in that system32 folder
In my case, I was searching in the txt files for "BP SYSTOLIC", where you would put in your OBS code
It is creating a log file which you can then open with WordPad
The file may contain multiple references to that OBS, but the file will be in the format of
directory -- filename -- other stuff that occurred on the line in the file
Suggest trying it first with "BP SYSTOLIC" since there should be lots of matches. You can then try it with your specific OBS code.
SQL query to list forms in which obs terms occur. Currently I am running this in Access so the syntax is slightly different than MS SQL. Can't run in Crystal as it searches for text string in a memo field.
SELECT [Obs Term Frequency].NAME, dbo_FORMSET.NAME
FROM dbo_FORMSET, [Obs Term Frequency]
WHERE (((InStr(UCase([formxlatedef]),'"'+UCase([Obs Term Frequency].[name])+'"'))<>0) AND ((dbo_FORMSET.ACTIVE)="D"))
GROUP BY [Obs Term Frequency].NAME, dbo_FORMSET.NAME
ORDER BY [Obs Term Frequency].NAME, dbo_FORMSET.NAME;
Thank you!
That OBSTERM is link the Psych box on the PE-CCC form. If you don't use the CCC forms or plan to in the future it could be used, but probably wouldn't be recommended.
When I've tried this area, it shows up in AFFCT-MOOD, not PSYCH COMM.