Trying to create a quicktext that uses the durationdays function, but need to take weekends into account...any thoughts on how to do this?
{if DURATIONDAYS(LASTOBSVALUE("DCHRGE HP DT"),str(._TODAYSDATE)) > 14 OR size(OBSANY("DCHRGE HP DT"))=0 OR DURATIONDAYS(LASTOBSVALUE("DCHRGE HP DT"),LASTOBSDATE("DIS OTHER")) > 4 OR size(OBSANY("DIS OTHER"))=0 then "Does not qualify for hospital follow up visit" else "Qualifies for hospital follow up visit , Moderate Complexity 99495, High Complexity 99496" endif}
You can use duration days with a date where you know the day of the week, like January 2nd, 2000 was a sunday. Divide the answer by 7, and the fraction remainder will correlate with a day of the week, 0/7 will be a sunday, 1/7 will be a monday and so on.
thank you:)