1) CPS (PM) went down Friday afternoon.
2) Our snapshot was corrupt so we lost data from the time it went down going back to 9am Thursday.
3) Appointments and new patients were recreated but the problem now is our charges.
a) CEMR doesn't track order completion data so we can't run a querie to get that data; Crystal was a little better but not very reliable.
b) We don't save our outgoing messages (the only interface we don't do this for) and the only thing I can think of is that these are saved on the MIK or bridge side................ BUT there isn't anyone here that knows enough about either to try to get to those.............. AND we can't get GE to call us back; and understand our actual problem. For clarification, weekend support did help to get us back up; but there has been no help for our lost data. I personally am a little disappointed because I thought things were getting better and I totally understand it isn't their fault our image was corrupt; but that doesn't mean they couldn't help or offer guidance at a critical time. I will get off my soap box now and would gladly accept any help you MIK Bridge experts might have.
If you want log files, they are probably located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Centricity Practice Solution\CPS_12_MIK on the computer running the MIK.
Unfortunately, they don't contain much, and the MIK does not retain the HL7 files that I'm aware of.
I've mentioned this before, although I know it isn't much help for you at the moment. We use Mirth Connect ( https://www.mirth.com/Products-and-Services/Mirth-Connect) as an intermediate interface engine for all of our interfaces, both inbound and outbound. It will log all inbound and outbound messages for a period of time, or even indefinitely. There are a lot of other benefits.
I'm not sure if this helps any, but from my understanding those messages from CPS to EMR and the other way around... Go from the Bridge to DTS. Are you utilizing the DTS as well? Our DTS is set to save all of those messages it receives from the Bridge and all other interfaces.
I also am not sure if it is possible to reprocesses those messages.
Good point codyh3. We don't use Bridge but we do use DTS for the EMR side of CPS. Bridge (I assume your other interface engine) might save all the the messages it sends/receives.
The DTS should save the messages it receives by default. (They should be in folders named SAVE and a date. IE SAVE08012015.) To reprocess the message you just need to remove the 'Q' from the file extension and drop the file in the LinkLogic inbox.
Were you able to recover the information that was lost?
Has anyone else had a problem getting notified of replies to posts? I know I check several times on the 11th for a reply and I had nothing by e-mail and saw nothing when I went to the site. By the 12th we were half way through a manual process. I just today got the message from Cody and was actually notifed?
Boy I really wish I had gotten these messages but alas; and we save ever message we send out of our EMR except for our Orders for whatever reason they were not set to SAVE. We will be looking back into this. Thank you all for your replies.
I'm not aware of missing email notifications. I seem to get one when I expect them.