How do I export CCDA documents automatically using QVERA? Is there an easy way?
You have to contact GE to get that setup as a paid service.
How does the paid service work? Is it something ran in Qvera?
I am sorry, let me clarify - you have to contract with GE to have the installation and configuration done on your QVERA interface server. That is a charged as Professional Services and then there is an ongoing fee for the interface. If you have someone that knows QVera then they can perform these tasks as well. In my case, I do not have such person so I contracted GE to perform the install and configuration.
You do not need to have anyone from GE do this. I have written multiple interfaces that both Import and Export CCDAs from GE and they were not paid for other than the Qvera licenses. Qvera has excellent support and might be able to point you in the correct direction.
There is not an "Easy" way. The interface is fairly complex and it would require a programmer to get it working as expected. The data often is not setup in the way that the receiving party needs it. GE has some conventions in their CCDAs that are very irregular. Qvera has written an interface called "MU2 CVS VDT" that cleans up the GE CCDA. It is a paid package (from Qvera) but it has an interface that handles much of the CCDA manipulation and cleanup.
What is your end goal? What would trigger a CCDA to generate and what would you do with it once it was generated? Is it for an HIE?
If you would like to see how it is setup shoot me an email and I will setup a test interface on our Qvera engine to show you.
I think it is for an HIE. I have not receive the full scope of the project yet. I am the programmer here. I've built several interfaces in Qvera but this is my first experience with CCDAs. I spoke with Qvera. They pre-configured interface that they can implement for a cost. I was just wondering if this is possible for myself to implement. It seems to me it is a lot of learn.
If you are a programmer it isn't too difficult. It would help if you have worked with SOAP queries and XML manipulation before.
My guess is that you would start with an HL7 message (from LinkLogic) that would trigger the creation of a CCDA. Next step is the Qvera engine initiates a web service call to the Jboss server. You must create a soap query with the proper criteria to request a CCDA. The CCDA is sent to you inside of a SOAP envelope and is encoded in base64. You grab the base64 text and decode it and replace the message with the contents of the decoded data.
Once you have the CCDA you potentially need to do quite a bit of manipulation on it. GE's CCDAs are a bit of a mess. The Qvera package that they sell performs a bunch of this cleanup for you.
I'm sorry for my lack of knowledge.
Where do the HL7 messages come from with the CCDA data?
Do I have write a query pulling the data from our Centricity EMR?
The CCDA data is not in HL7. What you need to determine is when a CCDA would be triggered to be sent out. For example, if it was every time an "Office Visit" document was signed you would create an outbound LL documents interface with that criteria. The HL7 message would only be used for PID data as the input to your interface. You would use the PatientID from the HL7 file to run a SQL query to return the PID from the PERSON table. You would use that PID in an outbound SOAP query to ask Jboss to generate a CCDA. Jboss returns the CCDA as base64 encoded data in an SOAP envelope. You decode the base64 data and discard the SOAP envelope by replacing the message with the decoded data.
Alternatively instead of using Hl7, we have one interface that generates CCDA's daily off of a SQL query which returns the PID data.