Is there a place in Centricity PS12 where the patient search name can be corrected? We have had some staff report they cannot find patients by the name search. When we looked into it.we found the "searchname" column in the PatientProfile table was not set correctly. It contained their previous last name (due to marriage or an adoption). How does that column get populated and later updated?
We cannot find any field on the registration screen to change it.On the Historical Data tab on the Registration screen, it lists the incorrect name in italics and yellow background. It appears that LinkLogic was the user that had it wrong initially, but it was corrected by LinkLogic the next day.However, the searchname column still contains the wrong last name.
I realize it is possible to do an SQL update statement to correct it, but that might cause other issues.
Thanks for any ideas or answers!
I am not sure if this is it, but when we have patients that cannot be found by name search we pull the patient up by DOB, change their last name, save/exit the registration, pull them up again and correct their name, then save/exit registration. At that point we have been able to pull the patient up by name search.
I hope this helps, we have seen it as far back as CPS 9.5.
We have been having this issue since we went live 2 years ago with CPS11. We have had GE engineering assist with a SQL script to update the whole database. We have to regularly (once a month) run this script to keep everything in line and correct.
The 3 SELECT statements are really just to see what kind of mess there is initially and then run after the UPDATE statements to see if all was fixed correctly. The UPDATE statements cover names that have and don't have a middle initial.
According to GE, this name search thing should be resolved in the upcoming CPS12.2 release. I am lobbying GE on a weekly basis to port this fix back to the next service pack (probably SP9 at this point) but it is not looking hopeful right now.
select searchname,Last,First,Middle from PatientProfile
where searchname <>(UPPER(last)+','+' '+UPPER(first)+' '+UPPER(middle))and Middle isnotnull
select searchname,Last,First,Middle from PatientProfile
where searchname <>(UPPER(last)+','+' '+UPPER(first))and Middle isnull
select searchname,Last,First,Middle from PatientProfile
where Middle isnull
update PatientProfile set searchname =UPPER(last)+','+' '+UPPER(first)+' '+UPPER(middle)where middle isnotnull;
update PatientProfile set searchname =UPPER(last)+','+' '+UPPER(first)where middle isnull;
You can also toggle the patient's registration to inactive, save it, then go back in and update to active. This seems to work in 12.07 at least...
We had this problem as well, but only once on a single patient. The searchname is SUPPOSED to update automatically when the last or first name is changed, but it seems there is a bug in Centricity (big surprise) where it doesn't update correctly. Ours was a linklogic issue as well. I used a SQL query to fix it and it never caused any problems.
In CPS 10 the searchname field is compiled using the user-defined function dbo.getEMRSearchName(...). The function is called by a trigger on the PatientProfile table and the returned value is saved to the searchname field.
If you want to dig into it you could look for triggers that are AFTER UPDATE or AFTER INSERT. I don't know if the architecture has changed in CPS12, but if not: you're either missing a trigger, or a trigger is disabled, or the most likely case: a trigger is failing for some reason before it reaches the searchname update.