Hello, I'm very new to creating forms and MEL. I'm using VFE and I'm looking to add a drop down in my form where the user can select a name of existing users. How can I do this?
Here's something I copied from a CHUG post a while ago. This should get you started. In the drop down field properties, click Dynamic Choice List and then you would put DOCUMENT.SSTAFFALL in the MEL expression box:
{fn fnSTAFFLIST(){
local iTotal = GETROWCOUNT("_UserSearch")
local i = 1
local lusers
global sstaffall = ""
while i < iTotal do
lusers = GETROW("_UserSearch",i,"RealName","JobTitle","Status")
if (lusers[3] == "A") then
sstaffall = sstaffall + "," + lusers[1]
else "" endif
i = i + 1
Thank you! I will try this out today 🙂