We are on CPS12.12 . Our system shows ICD 10 Z13.818 description as Screening for Hepatitis (in the smart list). However, when it is sent to billing it appears as Encounter for screening for other digestive system disorders.
The book of ICD 10 shows the description to be Encounter for screening for other digestive system disorders. I am not sure how I can correct this if it can be corrected. Has anyone had similar issues and found a solution? I would appreciate any advice on this topic.
Thank you.
There are a lot of these, I started moving them down the list when I get calls. I do a query to find them in mostUsedProblems and then update the row to set the usageCount to 1. It doesn't remove it, just moves it down the list. Its usually enough to keep the physicians from choosing it. I am hoping GE just removes the wrong ones someday, you are not alone on this one.
This is pretty common, and GE is pretty (very) slow at removing these bad codes. There are plenty of them in the database, and I believe there is already a SR open that a colleague has opened that has an ongoing list of codes that are incorrect when compared to ICD10-Data. I will try to find that SR so you can track which codes we have already been scoped out previously.
I have an application that will allow you to fully manage the SmartList for each provider/user. You can add custom items to the list or remove and change as needed. And Change the Descriptions.