We have had a long running complaint from staff but never dug into to find the solution. I'm not sure if everyones form acts this way, but for us the Immunization Management form automatically launches the HTML portion anytime they navigate to it.
This cause the additional window to open. Sometimes staff aren't intending to enter any immunizations but it still launches because this is the first form in the document.
Does anyone know how to prevent the Immunization Management form from automatically launching?
Go to Administration>Charts> Chart Documents>Encounter Types . Find the encounter and click Change. Where it says open first form change it from "every time" to "never". Then the user will just need to click on the launch html button if they choose to launch it.
I think I am understanding what you are asking...here is my answer and hope it is what you are looking for to resolve this.
Administration > Chart > Chart Documents > Encounter Types > select the encounter type this is occurring on and click "Change". On the right hand side of the window you will see "Open First Form". I suspect you have "Every Time" checked, which means it will open the first form in your encounter every time a new encounter is launched. If you do not want any forms to open at all and want the provider or MA to be able to select the form they want to open, then you need to check "Never".
I was thinking this setting controlled the view the form would open in. Meaning whether to show the Form or Text view.
Administration > Chart > Chart Documents > Encounter Types
With that set to Never I actually just default to Text but the HMTL form still launches in foreground. So, I'm assuming something in our version of the underlying form is causing it to autolaunch.
I have other HMTL forms from Athena that don't do this, for instance if I make the QVera Immunization Reconcile form the first one, it doesn't launch automatically. It waits for user to click the button.
Do others see this same behavior from the Immunization Management form?
You can fix this if you want to, go to administration->system->export clinical kits. Choose form, find it and export. Open the EFM file in notepad or notepad ++ or equivalent, edit line 13, remove the '!' before 'SHOW_HTML_FORM'. Save it. Go to Administration->System->Import Clinical Kit, reimport it. That worked for me to force the user to click the button to open the form.
This worked perfectly! I was able to remove the exclamation point, and now we no longer have the auto-launching of the HTML form.
Appreciate the help!!
No problem, if you reimport those forms after an upgrade you might have to do the same thing. At least the process is not too bad