Does anyone know how to change the names in the drop down box on this form for the "administered by" area? There is a button the nurse can click that reads "ME" but the wrong name is pulling. When they hit the "arrow" most of the time the nurses name is not in the drop down box. Is this form asking for the provider who ordered the immunization or the nurse who administered?
I would check your user set up. There is a space for the "List Name" I believe. If it's pulling someone else's name, are they logged into the system correctly, or are they sharing computers? My understanding is that it should be the name of the person who actually administered the immunization. Just my quick two cents! =)
If you are using the HTML form, (Immunization Management) I have found a way to change it. Not sure it's really the correct way but it works for me. I think the drop down list is mandated by location of care, but if you put the office note on hold or (open the note)with the user you are wanting in the list ,as the provider on the note, it will list them when you open the form up. You just have to remember to change the provider back to the PCP once you are done with your documentation.
Hope this makes since.
We have found the same issue. You have to make sure the person administering the med has their location listed in User Manager as the location the document is in. If not, it won't work. We have been in communication with GE numerous times about this and they keep saying they can't replicate it but many times when they come back with any answer, they are talking about a completely different issue that what I am trying to communicate to them.
The issue is Location of Care. In the HTML form, the code to fill our the dropdown list looks like this:
//GET_USER_LIST(): true option prevents security group checking
tempUserList = Mel.eval("{GET_USER_LIST(USER.CURLOCATIONABBREVNAME ,\"\",\"delimited\",true)}");
If a user is documenting in a location that they are not part of, their name will not show up. instead, you can change the USER.CURLOCATIONABBREVNAME to the abbreviation for your root folder in locations of care. since our root folder is "ALL", I would type this:
//GET_USER_LIST(): true option prevents security group checking
tempUserList = Mel.eval("{GET_USER_LIST(\"ALL\" ,\"\",\"delimited\",true)}");
and I would have all the users from every location of care. then the me button should work fine.
let me know if you have any questions about this. before editing files, I would also look into why a user is documenting imms at a location they are not a part of. workflow could fix this without any code re-writing.