Good morning, I am getting ready to interface to NYS Immunization registry - and wondered what NPI # we should be documenting in our Immunization Administration. Should we be using the NDC on the box that vials come in or should we be using the NDC #'s from the individual vials? Or does it even make a difference?
Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks Peg
First off, good luck.
We have been live with uploading to NYSIIS for a couple of years now and it has been "a joy" (sorry about such sarcasm)
As far as the NDC (I assume you want the NDC and not the NPI), it seems to be MOSTLY the one from the box. The best way we have decided to accomplish the correct NDC and lot numbers going across is to make a cheat sheet containing that info pulled directly from the online ordering/inventory pages. It is a pain to say the least but this is the best way we have been able to accomplish it.
As far as making a difference, it does. With the incorrect info, it MAY fill in the patient's NYSIIS record, but WILL NOT deduct from your VFC inventory. This will cause a huge issue when ordering VFC.
We also submit to NYSIIS, but we don't have any issues. Make sure the NDC is from the box and is what NYSIIS has listed in your inventory. Our inventory deducts without any problems. Occasionally we will have someone pick the wrong dose (#2 instead of #1 for example), but this is pretty rare. I believe that the key, for us, in having successful decrementing of inventory in NYSIIS was ensuring the CVX codes were correct. Here's the link to check CVX codes:
You can not change CVX codes in the immunization custom lists, so you will want to make sure that you select the vaccine with the proper CVX code, and then you can make other changes as needed to the listing. This is especially important when new vaccines are added via knowledge base updates (for example, annual flu).
We take ample time ensuring that the Immunization custom lists are in perfect order before using them. We keep two immunization custom lists per location (one for VFC and one for private vaccine). We also do inventory weekly for our own record keeping purposes. This way, if there is an issue at the end of the month, we can find it easier.
Once you have a good system down, it really isn't that bad. If you are seeing issues, such as vaccines not coming off of your inventory, stop what you're doing, and take the time to call the NYSIIS help desk. They have some very knowledgeable people who can point you in the right direction before you get frustrated - and before the problem gets so out of hand that you just give up. Proper set up and early problem resolution is key and will save you a lot of headaches later.