We use Centricity 9.8 and have been using Centricity EMR since 2005. There are some patients in EMR that have charts dating back to the beginning that we are still treating. As a result, their charts are large and slow to load as well as slow to do most anything else - signing off documents, looking at flowsheets for certain date ranges, etc. We have set our system to only load the last 2 years of documents when opening a chart, but even that isn't helping.
Can anyone offer any suggestions that would help our clinical folks be able to do what they need to do a little quicker but still have access to some of the older documents? Thank you in advance for your help.
Karen Grasso, ITxM Diagnostics, email: [email protected] phone: 412-209-7413
Ask GE for help with their Archive Obs script. This will put an "archived" flag field in the obs table for observations greater than a certain period of time and the net effect is to keep it out of the flowsheet on chart open. You can set it so that it basically only archives items that you have an over-abundance of for chronic care patients.
We have also been on Centricity for a long time. One thing we noticed is that for some of these patients, there were an unusually high number of duplicate contacts on file.
After highlighting this issue, our IT Group worked with GE for a patch and then to run the patch.
Below is a report I wrote to simply count the number of contacts each person has on-file. (Please ignore the layout - it is messy. But it does list out patients.) Suggest you run some night to an Excel file so you can review, filter, and analyze.
Did you get a performance gain from cleaning up contacts?
Yup - archive obs script. Made a HUGE difference for us. That and we limit the view to the last 12 months of documents.