What's the easiest way to link obsterms to an HTML form (12.2 compatible) built from scratch.
Terrence, if you are doing it manually, you will need to reference GEs angular library that they have built. I develop forms exclusively in HTML for our practice. Your company recently acquired the VAR that was supporting us so I would be happy to give you some pointers and recommendations. Been developing HTML content for about a year now. Feel free to reach me via email.
Hi Terrence,
The easiest, most direct way, IMO, is just to use Centricity's ActiveX eval() method directly in your JavaScript. It would look like this:
var activeX = new ActiveXObject("GE.CPO.EMR.80.MEL"); activeX.eval("{OBSNOW('HEIGHT','72'}");
That way you wouldn't have to worry about integrating with any other frameworks right away.
If you are comfortable with the AngularJS javascript library, then I certainly agree that leveraging the libraries in other forms can speed development along.
I'm also more than happy to help answer any questions. HTML is a good tool to have in the toolbox!
I'll give this a shot.
Thanks David!
Hi Greg,
Thanks for the quick reply. Would you happen to know how I would access GE's angular library? Is the documentation for this on their website?
Documentation is rather hard to come by, but I have a suggestion. Have you ever looked at Clinical Forge ( https://clinicalforge.com )? This is an alternative form builder to VFE. It lets you build the traditional VFE forms but you can also build HTML forms (using a GUI) that you can deploy and run in your on-premise environment. I have been using it for almost a year now and it significantly accelerates HTML form development. You could sign up for a trial and build a form pretty quickly with it and learn a whole lot about the inner-workings that way. It takes care of adding all of the libraries needed for the framework GE is using (based on angular). This allows you to focus more on the layout and functionality of your forms rather than the back-end infrastructure. Something else you may not realize; as GE overhauls CPS, they are moving to a hybrid cloud environment and they are developing APIs based on FHIR. You can go here to learn more about it:
While this is great, they aren’t there yet, so the best thing to do now is to tap into their current framework which basically acts as a middleware/broker, so to speak, between your HTML form and the old MEL functions and stored procedure calls. It will be interesting to see how these strategies will coexist moving forward. I'm sure GE would love to move everything to the cloud, but I'm just not sure that is a realistic expectation (at east anytime in the next several years). I'm encouraged that GE is finally sharing some information about their APIs and letting others innovate around their infrastructure. By the way, the developer of Clinical Forge is in regular contact with GE's development team, so if I had to guess, GE will have an API that communicates with on-premise data (i.e. the one that exists today) and use their FHIR-based APIs to connect to their cloud data. Interesting times...