I just got done reading through the facts about each of the types of visits described on this page:
I still do not understand if you can now bill for full visits for "MEDICARE TELEHEALTH VISITS" or if that still applies only to "rural" interactions, or if they are open to all physicians now.
I only noticed the change only states the patient doesn't need to be in an location of care anymore.
Our organization's understanding is that Medicare telehealth is now reimbursable regardless of location. The big caveat is that Medicare is still requiring a visual component for reimbursement and the Medicare population is the group most likely to have technology limitations.
We have added a phrase to our custom telehealth intake form that states patient doesn't have access to video capabilities with the hope that Medicare relaxes the video requirement and we can get reimbursed.
thanks... sounds about like we are thinking. CMS pages are usually pretty thorough, but seems like they left it soft of vague on the rural part, or the modified rule.
We are experimenting with skype for video access, it has a more or less one click to join to feature from a a browser with no signing up for an account, etc. (assuming patient has a camera on pc/laptop or smartphone).
Michael, thanks for the idea. I updated the Telemedicine form I posted in the Marketplace so there is a 3rd visit type to indicate no video on the patient side.