I am looking for some help deciphering this text component. It currently works in a 12.0.13 database, but in our test upgrade to 12.3.2 it fails. When I tried to fix it now I get this MLI_TEXT:1693404923056560.
Thanks for taking a look!!
{'{IF searchprobs("ICD-427.31,ICD-427.32") and (durationdays(lastobsdate("CHADS2TOT"),str(._todaysdate))>365 or obsany("CHADS2TOT")=="") and
match(get_form_list(),"Cardio Quality")=0 then add_form_comp("Enterprise\HVCA","Cardio Quality","11") else "" endif
IF searchprobs("ICD-V45.81,ICD-V45.82,ICD-410.,ICD-411.,ICD-414.,ICD-412,ICD-413,ICD-402.01,ICD-402.11,402.9,ICD-404.01,ICD-404.03,ICD-404.11,ICD-404.
13,ICD-404.91,ICD-404.93,ICD-428.4,ICD-428.2,ICD-428.0,ICD-428.1,ICD-428.9") and match(get_form_list(),"Cardio Quality")=0 then
add_form_comp("Enterprise\HVCA","Cardio Quality","11") else "" endif}'}
So it looks like this text component is checking if a the patient has
1. CHADS2 Stroke Risk Assessment Score that is overdue or blank.
2. The patient has any of the ICD codes on their problem list.
If either statement is true, and the Cardio Quality form has not been added to open document, then it will put the Cardio Quality form in the not at position 11.
Does that make sense?
Thank you,
Daniel C.
Its probably searchprobs() that causes it to fail. That's a custom function and is not defined in the text component, my guess is that its not found. I dont know how you have your environment setup but the first thing I would check is the usrlib.txt file in the test environment. Make sure it matches the production one and any files that are loaded in that file also exist.
Thank you - that gives me items to look at.