Hello! I'm wondering if anyone still uses the MU checklist form? If so, why?
I'm also interested to find out if anyone has created a "MIPS checklist" form to help providers keep track of what is still missing?
Following - we are a multi-specialty physician office, and recently decided to sunset our "MU Checklist" form as we felt the measures being reviewed were either not required for MIPS, or have just become a standard practice within the practice.
I would however, love to hear if anyone has any MIPS or Wellness forms to track performance for ACI and/or Quality measure performance!
Vikki Jones
We are using a form that was developed by Polaris Danforth that helps track ACI measures.
I'd love to see a screenshot to give me an idea of what you all are tracking.
Thanks, Sharon
We are in the process of looking at Health1 Technologies. They have a nice MIPS tracking form and will customize it to our needs.
Michelle Carabin
Professional Orthopaedic Associates
I like this, would you be willing to sell this check list? You may email me at [email protected]
Leah, this isn't our form to sell. You can contact Sandra Ignacio at Polaris Danforth. Her email is [email protected].