Hello - I had posed a question to the forum users back in 2014 and unfortunately didn't receive any replies. So I am going to reword my question in hopes someone/anyone will respond.
Who manages EMR privileges in your groups? Clinic Managers, Practice Managers, Physicians, Clinic SuperUsers, IT staff or any combination of these?
Any responses/replies are greatly appreciated. You can reply to this message or you can write to me directly at: [email protected]. Thanks! Lisa
In our practice which has 3 different departments, Neurology, Neurosurgery and Pain Management, the initial determination of security privileges by group was made by the Practice Administrator which is a position we no longer have filled. Now the Deparmtent Managers determine by job description what gruops each employee should have access to assisted by the Clinical Services Manager who is clinical as well as technical.
I hope that helps but you can email me directly if you need more info
[email protected]
EMR support assigns privileges based on the users role(job). If they should require an additional privilege we get permission from their practice manager to give those privileges. We then print off that e-mail and keep it for our own records.
In our environment IT handles the creation of the AD account and the users. We assign the user their security based on what the manager who approved the user has indicated they should have access to. Ours is all done by authorized signatures on forms that we keep for future reference.
Hope that helps.
In our organization, the IT department manages user setup, changes based on Manager notification in writing, and training.
If you have any questions about our organziation just email me. We have 60+ providers spread out over 11 clinics and 14 different specialties.
[email protected]
At NCHC we had a multidisciplinary team meet and setup the group permissions. The actual assignment is made by one of my IS staff, but changes to group permissions or changing a users group(s) currently is approved by the Director of Primary Care, we don't have a good change management process currently. Mostly I just ask why this individual needs permissions that nobody else in their position has and the change request is dropped.