I am trying to add a comment to a medication on the Med Admin Form. I used the text file editor but the note isn't showing.
/* functions to parse these into arrays are defined in CCC-fndef-Load-Other.ccc
>The first argument is display name that will be put into the dropdown, and will be used as the description for any committed orders
- This argument must match a description in the orders module for the order type and order category in the second argument
>The second (third for other meds) argument for injections and infusions is a ^ delimited list containing
- the Order Type (S,T,R)
- the Order Category
- the Order Modifier(s)
- the Order Comment
>For other medications, the second argument is a comma delimited list of doses, and the third argument is as above
>The third argument (fourth for other meds) contains OBS Terms for:
- Medication
- Admin DateTime
- Start Time
- Stop Time
- Amount
- Route
- Site
- Exp Date
- Lot#
- Manufacturer
- Comments
- Complications Y/N
- Administered By
ccc_MA_inj_Exec("Allergy Shot Single","S^Injections^^^","^^^^^^^^^^^This is where I am adding the comments.^")
Any help would be appreciated.