Can anyone here tell me how the Med Mgmt Activation scheduling works? Once your Activation day was set, were you allocated a specific timeframe or do you have the flexibility to start the process (disable eSm, run activation script etc) at a time of your choosing? This seems like a simple question to me, but I cannot get an answer from our CSM. If I schedule Activation for July 30th, can I plan to start at 6pm, or will AthenaHealth come back to me and say "you are scheduled for 11 am...." I appreciate any insight anyone can give.
We went live last night. I actually picked my date and time. We went live at 4:45pm which worked out great. We stopped our schedules at 3:00 so everyone had time to fill prescriptions and clean off their desktops.
As part of the on-boarding process you will create a support case titled "Med Mgt Change of Vendor migration Case" and in the description of that case you will provide the following:
The activation date will obviously be the date agreed upon. The time will be what you determine with the teams that are assisting with the activation.
Thank you both, this is what I needed to know.