Massachusetts recently passed a law requiring that Schedule II/III prescriptions include the phrase "partial fill upon patient request." We can't change the MediSpan dictionary of available meds, custom list instructions won't account for reference list selections, and manually adding the phrase using "note to pharmacy" is unacceptable to our providers.
That leaves modifying the MA Crystal Report for prescriptions as the only alternative that I can come up with. However; I am extremely hesitant to modify the report for fear that it would no longer meet the requirements for a certified secure prescription.
Has anyone else modified a prescription report? Can you think of any other solutions to the problem that aren't occurring to me?
We have modified our prescmi.rpt (Michigan) a couple of times. We added a barcode for a discount that are patients get on Walgreen's filled prescriptions. We've also modified our reforder.rpt, svcorder.rpt, and tstorder.rpt to only print out the last 4 numbers of our patient's SSN while making the remaining numbers X's.
The thing to keep in mind is that after every upgrade, including Service Packs, you'll have to copy your modified reports back into the crwrpts folder or modify them again. I recommend just having a copy saved somewhere so you can just copy it back in after an upgrade. Also, this modification has to be done at the client level, so if you have thick clients then it will need to be done on each or your users' computers, if you use something like Citrix you'll need to copy these into the template so that it goes out to all of the Citrix servers. In the case of the thick clients, the jobs.txt process can help to push these new reports out to all of the users' computers.
We've modified all of our requisition forms, but I was just concerned about making changes to the prescription report. I know that it meets the minimum requirements for a "tamper-proof" prescription and thought that I had seen that they were certified at some level.
If you're saying that we can modify the report without repercussion, then I will make it happen!
We made a request of GE to address, and was told that it will be completed by 12/31/2017. You may want to communicate with GE also.
In the interim, I have modified the PrecscMA.rpt file to check the class, and if appropriate place that text on the printed form.
I am now waiting for my desktop team to complete their work so that this report can be installed on all user workstations. The file resides locally - Ugh.
BTW - I requested the GE Modification since (1) it is a requirement, and they should handle; (2) we will need to monitor future upgrades to make sure the PrescMA.rpt file is not later over-written during an upgrade/patch.
I am in Massachusetts and have changed mine many times including adding in the new text. I would be happy to send you mine if you would like. My report has signatures too though for faxing scripts.
I created our prescription report completely from scratch in order to make it fit the Star TSP800RX printer. As long as you include all the required features, such as asterisks next to the qty, etc, and print on the special security paper, there shouldn't be a problem. At least in Utah where I am.
Also, there are a couple work arounds for getting the prescription report to each client without having to copy it manually and have it overwritten during upgrades. First, you could try jobs.txt. I personally don't use it, but I think it would work. CPS help file should have info on it. Option 2 is to create a simple .bat file or .vbs file that runs at login via group policy. The script then copies files from a central shared drive (probably on a server) to the workstation that is logging in. I do this instead of jobs.txt because it allows me to copy non-CPS files such as desktop shortcuts. I also use it to automatically add shared printers based on PC name or user. The 3rd option is to copy the entire reports folder to a shared location, then point Centricity to it for all reports. This is done from "Administration > Reports > Clinical Reports Administration". This option is my favorite.
Steve Peterson
Circle of Life Women's Center
I modify the prescription myself. Just need to have a crystal report available and make sure that you follow all the parameters that match the data extraction of the database so you don't get any error or crash
I was lucky enough to get this modified report thanks to Jennifer but I updated it in the client folder for crwrpts and it still is not showing up. Is there another location I need to update this for the prescription printing itself? Thank you in advance.
did you overwrote the current file in the folder?
it need to match the name of the file you are replacing.
there are 49 different states RPT files in there make sure you rename yours to match the file for the state for which you are printing and overwrite it with your file.
That's the right location but you will have to copy it to every single workstation in your environment, or else use the jobs.txt file to cause it to copy automatically.
and the file need to be copied to every workstation that will be printing that prescription.
Thank you all so much. This is a test server and only uses one set of folders. The live environment requires all the updating on terminal servers, etc.
I'm not sure why but I redid the entire process and now it works! Thank you all!