Without using CQR, is there a way to identify what Referrals (Orders) were sent as TOC's via Secure Message from Centricity through Kryptiq's Secure Messenger that is added into Centricity. This Secure Messaging is what you normally get when you click on the Messaging link in the left-side menu tree in Centricity. We are on CPS12.0 SP11.
This is not a sophisticated solution, but if you are able to Log in as a delegate of the email address that sends the TOC documents, you can look at the Sent folder. Our TOC documents go out with a subject line of Patient Referral so they are pretty easy to spot in the listing.
Again, not the greatest solution as it is a manual count, but you would get to see the actual email if needed.
Hope that helps.
Amanda Koenig
When GE was preparing for MU, they added a couple of tables - MUACTIVITYLOG and MUACTIVITYLOGTYPE, linked by the field MUACTIVITYLOGTYPEID.
So, if you looked through the LOG file, for Type = 1 or 514, perhaps that would give you an answer?
Here is the table of codes defined:
1 | Provide TOC Referral Summary | SummaryOfCareTocReferral |
2 | Provide Clinical Visit Summary to Patient | ClinicalVisitSummaryProvided |
3 | Patient Reminder Sent | PatientReminderSent |
4 | Initiated TOC with Patient | InitiatedTOCWithPatient |
5 | Patient Declined Clinical Visit Summary | ClinicalVisitSummaryDeclined |
12 | Provide Patient Education | PatientEducationProvided |
13 | Reconciled TOC Medications | ReconciledTOCMedications |
509 | Successful unlink of patient validation from Patient Portal | PatientDeniedChartAccess |
510 | Patient Portal Access Available | PatientGrantedChartAccess |
511 | Chart summary viewed in Patient Portal (MU2) | PatientViewChart |
512 | Chart summary downloaded from Patient Portal (MU2) | PatientDownloadChart |
513 | Chart summary transmitted from Patient Portal (MU2) | PatientTransmitChart |
514 | TOC/Referral Summary received by HISP | SummaryOfCareTocReferral |
519 | Clinical Visit Summary Sent to Patient | ClinicalVisitSummaryProvided |
520 | Secure Message sent by patient | ReceiveSecureMessageFromPatient |
521 | Patient Care Reminder Sent | PatientReminderSent |
We report off of this with activity type 514 from the table Joe supplied above.