Has anyone else put this month's KB update into their test or live system. We installed into test and ran into the following issues:
1. DTS's wouldn't reconnect
2. Archive Logs filled immediately and brought down DB
3. Cleared arch logs thinking that the dump was from the install, but refilled shortly thereafter
We have a support ticket with Athena, but thought we might not be the only ones.
I have not tried this KB update yet, and I'm on the CPS platform, but I'm wondering if you have had any resolution yet? I noticed Athena has not pulled the update or released a new update since your post.
We haven't heard anything else, but we think the KB wasn't the culprit in TEST now.
We are also having Athena DBA's troubleshoot some reporting and linklogic performance issues post upgrade to 9.12.3. We have a problems export that runs every hour that has been locking up and crystal reports have been sluggish with problem tables included. We ran a script last Thursday in TEST to clean up/re-index and that is triggering the logs.
We feel confident putting the KB into our PROD environment this week now, but I don't think we'll be running the script in PROD...
went well for for me on 9.8 and 9.10