We just upgraded to EMR SP9.8.13, and I now see the option to link an observation term to orders in the Order Settings. When I try to do it, the system gives me the error "Cannot find 'Situational Data Elements' flowsheet view!" I created the flowsheet view, but no matter where I put it, I cannot get the order to locate it. Does anyone have any experience with this? I looked in help, but I could not find anything. I just need to know where the flowsheet view needs to be placed.
Thank you!
I am just starting to look into this feature. As far as I can tell, the needed flowsheet is imported via clinical kit.
I found this in a document for Centricity EMR datalink:
This flowsheet view is located in Setup > Settings > Chart > Flowsheet Views in the Enterprise > Medicalogic > Centricity Business folder. You must import the flowsheets clinical kit to see this. (Default location is c:\Program Files\Centricity EMR\clinkits\BasicPr\Items\Flowshts\flwshet.ckt.)
Thank you. Do you happen to have the flowsheet that needs to be imported?
Were you ever able to get this working? I found the needed flowsheet, linked the order to an obs term, but nothing happens when I create the order (as far as populating the obs term).
Thank you!