We are wanting to add DNR to the patient banner from the directives drop down. We are using DNR: {if OBSANY("DO NOT RESUSCITATE")=="" then "DNR" else "" endif} but this is pulling the DNR on every patient banner, without the directive being chosen in the chart.
Much appreciated!
Thank you!
Is "DO NOT RESUCITATE" a Custom Observation Term? If not, then that is not the correct term and if it is then you syntax is still wrong. Right now you are checking to see if the Obs Term is blank and if it is then you are populating "DNR" to the banner. Which your normal patients would have a blank value in that Obs Term, so that is why it is populating for everyone. I would think you'd want something more like:
{if OBSANY("DONOTRESCUCT")<>"" then "DNR" else "" endif}
This uses the standard Obs Term that already exists inside of Centricity.
The users are utilizing the predefined Directives that are in the EMR. Once the DNR is chosen in the drop down he OBS value that populates is DO NOT RESUCITATE" Is there a way we can modify the directives? Since our OBS is not populating "DONOTRESCUCT"
You want {if match(DCT_AFTER(), "DO NOT RESUSCITATE") > 0 then "DNR" else "" endif}. You aren't populating an obs term when you use the Directives module, you are populating a Directive.
Your code is referring to OBS terms, but you are asking about Directives. You probably want to do something to match on either DCT_ACTIVE or DCT_AFTER
Be aware of upper/lower case also when matching.
Thank you very much this is working!!