We upgraded over the weekend and now 'Next Appt' is messed up. It is displaying the location of care and not the appt. book name. It also shows the person who made the appt. and I have no idea where that is pulling from. Anyone have this problem or a fix?
This is what our banner is supposed to pull.
{if PATIENT.PSTATUS = "X" then "DECEASED: " + PATIENT.DATEOFDEATH else "" endif}{if PATIENT.PSTATUS = "I" then "INACTIVE" else "" endif}{if PATIENT.PSTATUS = "O" then "OBSOLETE" else "" endif} Home: {if PATIENT.ALTPHONE = "" then "None" else PATIENT.ALTPHONE endif} Work: {if PATIENT.WORKPHONE = "" then "None" else PATIENT.WORKPHONE endif} **EMAIL: {if PATIENT.EMAIL = "" then "NO" else "YES" endif}** Next Appt: {APPT_NEXT()}
(DOB: {Patient.DateOfBirth}) Acct. #: {PATIENT.EXTERNALID} PCP: {If PATIENT.REFMDID=="" then "None" else PATIENT.REFMDID ENDIF} Resp. Prov.: {if PATIENT.RESPPROVID =="" then "None" else PATIENT.RESPPROVID endif} Pri Ins: {INS_PLAN()} Sec Ins:
{global usernotified
if usernotified<>PATIENT.PATIENTID
then usernotified=PATIENT.PATIENTID
local r = ""
if Patient.Regnote == ""
then ""
local a = getfield(Patient.Regnote,"\r","\n")
while size(a) > 0 do
if match(a[1],'!!') > 0
then if r <> ""
then r = r + "\r\n" + a[1]
else r = a[1]
remove(a, 1)
if r <> ""
then a = useryesno(r)
endif ""}
I would be very interested in this also. I have been trying to get the next appointment to print and have been having a terrible time.
If anyone has information on this issue I would greatly appreciate your input.
We updated from 9.2 to 9.5 on Sunday September 16, 2012 and my next appointment no longer shows up in the patient banner and we need it to.
Also is there anyway that only the "scheduled" appointments can appear without the cancelled appointments?
Emma Parker, Decision Support Analyst
Sharp HealthCare
858-499-3163 office
619-384-9236 cell
Here is what we are using in our 9.5 patient banner. It is a combination of things that I have found on support and from GE. You are welcome to try it out. For us it displays only the next scheduled appointment, not multiples if there is more than one future scheduled appointment. It displays date, time and the encounter code.
I hope you find this useful or can even perhaps use it to get to what you need.
Janet Bell
ACES Medical
Next Appt: {IF APPT_NEXT() = "<None>" then "No appointments" else global apptinfo = getfield (APPT_NEXT(),",","") apptinfo[1] + " at " + apptinfo[2] + " for " + apptinfo[3] endif}