Is there an audit report in CPS that shows the user who checked in patients for any given day on the schedule? I'm looking for a report I can run instead of viewing the appointment activity log for each patient individually to see who checked that patient in.
I would be interested in this as well.
I think this SQL query should work:
SET @S = '7/8/2019'
SET @E = '7/12/2019'
SELECT P.PatientId, P.First, P.Last, P.Birthdate, A.ApptStart AS ApptDate, T.Name AS ApptType, L.CreatedBy AS CheckedInBy, L.Created AS CheckedInTime
FROM ActivityLog L
INNER JOIN Appointments A ON L.RecordId = A.AppointmentsId
INNER JOIN ApptType T ON A.ApptTypeId = T.ApptTypeId
INNER JOIN PatientProfile P ON A.OwnerId = P.PatientProfileId
WHERE L.TableName = 'Appointments'
AND L.FunctionName = 'Change Appointment Status'
AND L.Value2 = 'Checked In'
AND L.Created >= @S
AND L.Created <= @E
ORDER BY L.Created