Does anyone know how to fully configure the Surescripts Patient Portal Patient Education Resources Page to work with CPS 12.3. I have read the CPS in product documentation and the Patient Portal (8.0.4) admin help but can't seem to find the "missing" piece to get it all to working correctly.
Steps already completed:
1. Per CPS 12.3 - in product documentation: Created/configured shared location for Centricity "printed" Patient Education materials.
Handouts - Working as expected; Creating *.rft document
Test patients chart -> users clicks Handouts -> picks one -> clicks the Email button -> Verified that the document (*.rft) is created in the shared location.
-- Email address is populated/filled in from Registration --
Problems-Medications - NOT creating *.rtf document
Test patients chart -> Chart Summary -> user clicks the "blue i" -> Patient Education window -> filed for email address IS NOT populated/filled in -> Email button is "grey out"
2. Upgraded SMPP to v8.0.4 and CPS 12.3
At this point I'm waiting for Surescripts Enterprise Services to help me understand if there's still something that's not configured on the Patient Portal.Even with step #1 the document doesn't "magically" show-up on the Linked Portal account for the Test patient in question.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
We are curious about this too.
We are not on 12.3 yet, but want to go live with this.
Have you gotten any feedback on this?