We are a mutli specialty clinic with many patient visits per day. What is the best workflow to take patient pictures and import them into the resepectice patient's chart? If this is performed at Reg, how much is that process slowed? If this is done by clinical staff, how is that team affected? If this is done by a roving patient coordinator, how do they ensure patient X's image is correctly placed into patient X's chart - sign board (like a police line up), logging each image taken, two person integrity?
Has anyone thought about starting with the Driver's License image since that may already be captured?
From the very beginning in our PM system we have used the patients Driver's License (We crop it to get the picture portion only) which displays on the chart side too. It only takes a few seconds to complete the workflow and once it is done, there is no need to update the picture unless you have an office policy that states it needs to be updated or the patient would like to update their photo.
This sounds like the optimum approach. Can you tell us a little about the workflow - all done at Reg, and processing DL scanned images didn't hold up the workflow? What did you do for pts without a DL scanned? How did you set the expectation that all would have their DL scanned? THank you, BForshay
The workflow is completed at registration. It only takes a few seconds to complete. Our patients are asked for a photo ID so we can capture their photo to link to their chart to prevent insurance fraud. We have never had a patient refuse this process. We have some patients that do not have photo ID's (which is rare) and the front desk will place a pop-up note stating why. With these patients we do ask they bring a photo at their next visit and we do use them to crop to get their photo (again only takes a few seconds).
We have had this workflow since we went live on CPS since 2009 when we first went on Centricity. This has never been an issue with us getting the data needed.
Very encouraging - thank you
Ya, but that only works for adults so it's a flawed system...unless you only see adults.
My practice just uses a webcam, takes about 10 seconds. We do it for kids and adults alike.
Not an issue for us since we only see adults in our practice.