Has anyone been able to pull patient contacts to the patient banner? I will be honest, I have not tried but I seemed to remember having issues with it in the past and before I give it a try I am wondering if anyone has the quick answer, yes or no.
This is what we use for CPS9+
H: {if PATIENT.ALTPHONE = "" then "None" else PATIENT.ALTPHONE endif} C: {if PATIENT.CELLPHONE = "" then "None" else PATIENT.CELLPHONE endif} W: {if PATIENT.WORKPHONE = "" then "None" else PATIENT.WORKPHONE endif}
Julie Sander, North Florida Women's Care
Well I would recommend against putting PATIENT.CONTACTS in the banner in CPS 12. It tends to lock up my cps when you use it.
Anyone else have the same issue?
I was thinking phone numbers, not other contacts. We use the pharmacy, but it's true that we have banner problems sometimes. We don't think it's the cause of crashes, but GE tells us the banner is too busy. Sometimes it shows up empty, until you close the chart module separately and open it again.
Sorry I should have been more specific, we are looking just to add the physician name from contacts. So for example a physician that we cannot pull from the main registration screen but have to get from contacts. Any suggestions for that?
The simplest way that I can think of is:
1) In some module you use all the time, say your initial MA screening questions for an office visit, have the form copy the contact info (or maybe with MA assistance) to an OBS term. This would require some work on from development with VFE.
2) With data in an OBS code, you could pull the last OBS value with MEL coding into the banner.
This would take a little time, or if you do not want to wait for the fields to begin populating you could always seek out a SQL or other programmer to write a script to auto-populate an OBS term.
Joe that is what I was headed for, I will look into that.
I note the following bug with PATIENT.CONTACTS in CPS 12 (and was in CPS 11 also):
- If the patient contacts contain only pharmacy, the MEL call returns instantaneously (< 0.1 sec)
- If the patient contacts contain a child, the MEL call takes about 18 - 19 seconds to return
- If the patient contacts contain a clinician, the call takes about 300 seconds (5 min!)
So, essentially the data symbol appears broken - since the system seems to add the Resp Provider to contacts automatically. I have seen this on two separate installations of CPS at different sites. I raised a bug with GE, but of course got no meaningful response.
Has anyone seen this, or have a solution? I will post as a new thread as well.