Our staff has always added a patient's preferred pharmacy on the "Prescriptions" form, by clicking "Select" and then searching for the pharmacy. This has automatically linked the pharmacy to the patient contact list and thus carried forward this selection in future visits so that the nurse/provider can simply confirm the preferred pharmacy rather than asking every time.
One of our providers has noted that recently this function is not working. I tested and confirmed that when a pharmacy is selected on the "Prescriptions" form it is not adding the pharmacy to the patient contacts and not carrying forward to future visits. Any one else have this issue? How did you resolve it/what was the cause?
For reference we are on CPS 12 SP 7.
Not sure when it stuck for you guys but has never stuck for us. We are currently on CPS12.0.6. We have always had to go back to registration and enter the pharmacy to make it hold as the patient's contact but if we can do it through the prescription writing componenet that would be great.
Our experience is the same as tcross. The pharmacy selected during the prescribing process is temporary for that visit, but if you change it within Registration, that will be the new default.
All pharmacies selected during the RX prescribing stage is temporary. You will need to change the default in the patient's registration for it to stick.
There is a check box to add to the patients contact list. Are you checking this before you click ok after choosing said pharmacy? This always adds the pharmacy to the Patients contact list and is available for use next time.
The only way the pharmacy will be permanent is through the contact list. Adding it to the Medication form is only temporary for that one medication.
We are having the same issue. I have noticed that if you make the change in registration contact list prior to starting the encounter it will stick. This works for a single pharmacy on the list. Example remove the old one and add the new one. I am not sure what is will default to if you have multiple pharmacies listed.