With our upcoming migration to 9.12, there is a different process and workflow for prescription denials. I can see in the Database Documentation the following:
PRESCRIB.ErxDenialReasonCode and
Is there MEL, or some trick, to be able to include these inside the documentation for an encounter?
Looking for a function like MED_LIST_CHANGES or MEDS_REMOVED or ??
It is included in the MED_LIST_CHANGES(). I can see these cancel requests as part of a standard chart maintenance document. They say "Cancelled Rx of....blah blah"
I don't think there is anything out of the box with just cancellations though, you would have to write it yourself if thats what you want. Use getrow("_MasterRx",n,"ErxRenewalStatus") where n is the row number and the ErxRenewalStatus = 'C'. Obviously you will have to lock it down by clinical date and add other details for the actual data display. The definition is in mldefs.txt.
We created a VFE form that we just added to the end of the form line. It's just a DATA field, connection is a Clinical Function to pull MED_LIST_CHANGES. This will write everything to the chart note text.
GE/Virence fails to tell you anywhere in the earlier release notes that all adding, changes, removal of medications should take place from the Prescriptions form Via the Update Medications button. If you do that workflow it will write to the chart note. Any other way does not write to the chart note. Creating the form took care of our problem.
Hope this helps with your issue.