We have Test Orders set to print to a printer so that we can give them to a patient. I'm trying to find a way to automatically print a second copy to a file every time with having to manually print to pdf. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?
I thought about just creating an outbound orders Link Logic relationship, but we need the output in Human Readable format, not HL7.
Thanks for any suggestions!
Crystal Price
TJ Samson Hospital
My thought is set the order to print to PDF, and print the PDF to a transitional folder. Then have a scheduled task print to the desired printer and move the PDF to its final destination.
Check out this article. This is probably how I would look to do something like that.
We have used Bullzip in the past to automate the saving of a file to a folder without human intervention. It has the ability to set the default file name on the print job so that you can create a unique file name each time.